Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I'm still in AC today...and I got my white socks on! ;)

Auntie Chunnie

This is my Auntie Chunnie...she protects me from the "evil lady" to make sure nothing bad happens to me!!

Monday, July 23, 2007


Here I am with my grandparents - goong goong & pau pau!

....and this is me with Uncle Gurdy before I left the hospital.

Hanging out in AC

I'm hanging out in Atlantic City while Daddy remodels the kitchen.

July 16 - Auntie Juju's Birthday!

As you can see I was a little upset I did not see Auntie Juju for her birthday....

...but, I still celebrated at home even though it was a little boring.


All curled up

Since I should technically still be in my mommy, I prefer the fetal position! :D

Eviction Notice

I got my eviction notice from the doctors on July 2nd....3 weeks before I was suppose to vacate my comfy home. Daddy put up a fight for me with the doctors but they determined they were not sending me & Mommy home until I was out.
Daddy gets some final rest before my arrival.
Mommy's waiting for her drugs to kick in!
After about 10 hours of labor I made my way out on July 3rd at 7:54PM!! I weighted 6lbs 15 oz and was 19 3/4" long. The doctors thought I'd be a Fourth of July baby but I fooled them.

Our first family fOtO!
