Friday, November 30, 2007


Can you find the Leopard??
I'm in my leopard jumpsuit from Grandma!
I think Grandma has the same outfit :)

The leopard caught a Peking Duck for dinner! Pretty tasty! hocp hocp

Hanging out

Last week Aunt Marilyn and Grandma were in town. We all hung out at Great Grandpa's!
Of course I had to take a look at myself in the mirror....
Grandpa has a dancing flower that sings! I never knew flowers could do that!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

almost there

I'm getting closer and closer to sitting up nice & tall! :D

Sunday, November 25, 2007

new toy!

HAHAAA....look what I got! I'm working out in my new exersaucer. Grandma got it for me over the weekend :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

my first fall

Don't worry, I didn't fall! I was checking out the fall foliage. There were so many colors to see!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

three lil' pigs

Auntie Boobra...thanks for adding to my piggy collection!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Made it!

Phew, I made it through my first week of daycare! I'm only there 3 days a week for now. I got home and told daddy all about the new friends I made and the screaming kids!

I gave mommy a high five.

Monday, November 12, 2007

day care

Today was my 1st day of daycare!
They sent this picture to mommy and said I had a great day but it looks like I have a headache! I'm sure it will get better. I'm in The Little Lambs room with 8 other babies and I'm the youngest. They have lots of toys I can play with.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Baby Lamb Chops

Hi There! This evening, I was splishin' and splashin' in my bath and dried off in my cozy lamb towel. Then I turned around and saw another baby lamb...
...if I opened my mouth, she would open hers...
...if I smiled, she smiled and...
...if I laughed, she laughed!
Then mommy told me that was me. How silly of me...I forgot the bathroom had a mirror!
I can just stare at myself all night :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Look, No Hands!

Check me out! I can sit up for a few seconds with no assistance! :)
But then either fall backwards, whoaaa...
or forwards.....
and then back up on my tummy!

Hard at work

I'm back in action again. I've been MIA since I had my 2nd round of shots this week and been kind of bummed out.

Don't tell anyone I was using Daddy's computer!