Saturday, December 29, 2007

Dinner at the Gordons

Tonight we headed to the Gordons for a little get together. My friends Jenea, Vanessa, and James were all there! Here is our first and only group shot. Getting us all together was a bit challenging for Daddy.

Here we are with our tired mommies!
James and I hanging out.
I got to know Jenea pretty well. We had lots to talk about. Looks like James jumped in our picture!
Vanessa said, "They all went dat a way!"
Jenea gave me a kiss before I went home.

Ladies Lunch

My Aunties Young Sil and Hanh came over to have lunch with us today. Auntie Hanh was in town for the week so she made sure she came by to see me :)

Monday, December 24, 2007


After spending the afternoon with Cousin Lela in the city, I headed over to Auntie Juju & Uncle Bear's place to drop off some goods. Pumino is not too happy with me since I took his favorite seat.

Cousin Lela!

Alas! I finally got to meet cousin Lela today! She was so happy to see me and just wanted to play all afternoon. She showed me how to roll but I still haven't quite mastered it.
Here we are with our mommies.
Chilling with Uncle Asa & Auntie Michele.
Lela & her parents!

See ya next time Lela! I'll have to come out and visit you in warm and sunny Arizona!

Don't forget to check out Lela's blog for more pictures!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Today my friend Reneé stopped by to visit & play with me! She showed me how the cars go zoom zoom zoom.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Peek-a-boo...I see you too!

Mommy kept bugging me to take pictures when I was playing in my crib.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Laying Around

Just enjoying myself on these cozy comforters!


Over the weekend, I was reading up on some PHP5 with Daddy. I was interested for a bit...

....but can we say BLAH?!?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Baby Lux

Baby Lux is on her way! I got to go to Auntie Patty & Uncle Dave's baby shower last night. It was quite entertaining. Here I am with mommy-to-be! I think I felt Baby Lux kicking me! :)
It was a pleasant surprise to see Auntie Chunnie. I'm not use to seeing her outside of my house!
Feeding time as I keep my eye on Eddie!
Eddie made sure no one disturbed me while I had a quick power nap.


Saturday, December 8, 2007


Hi there! I'm all bundled up and toasty in my pink bunting. Mommy decided to take me out for a stroll on this fine December afternoon. Last time I was in my stroller was in the summer! I wasn't too fond of it. This time around I enjoyed it...I fell asleep about 2 minutes into the stroll.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


The snow was falling today! So we headed out to the back country of Franklin Park so Daddy could give me my first snowboarding lesson...
I even got to test out the rails, the kink was kinda sketchy...
Mommy, this is so much fun!



I'm a lil' late on my Thanksgiving post but here are some pictures from the day! We had some fried turkey. Some of the pictures are courtesy of Cousin Con! Here's me and the bird before it was headed to the fryer. I was trying to keep my distance but, Mommy kept inching me closer.

Turkey Fry

Fried Bird!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

kaitlyn rae

Kaitlyn Rae arrived! Mommy & Daddy finally got to visit her today while I stayed home with Pau Pau & Gong Gong. I'll have to settle for the pictures until I meet her in person. She's beautiful!

Hello World!
Changing time with Auntie Jia!
Uncle Vinny...aka Proud Papa AND...
...Tired Papa!!
Sleepy Time!
And we can't forget Forest who watches over everyone!