Saturday, May 31, 2008

Oval Buddha

We stumbled upon this fine sculpture called the "Oval Buddha"...pretty cool isn't it? It's nice and shiny and kind of alien like!

chinito town

Uncle WaiO was in town this weekend so we headed to his favorite spot for some grub.
I've finally become buddies with Auntie KP. She can't believe it either!
And of course a trip to chinito town would not be without some bubbles and a stOp to get our bling cleaned and to check out what the jewelry shOp had in stock.

Last swimming class

I finished up the last of my swimming classes today. Mommy & Daddy both took a dip with me!
My instructor gave out diplomas too ... I graduated with honors. hehe
I'm ready to take on the big waves.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

More SoJo

Here are some of indoor pictures from AC.
I took some baby steps with my walker....
Discovered the buttons on the TV
and sat on my rocker!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Biking in SoJo

I went on lots of bike rides with this nifty bike trailer!
Daddy's strapping me in.
Auntie Chunnie completed a safety check...check!
Uncle Gurdy took a peek
And off we go! I got a nice breeze in my face.
It was a little bumpy...
But there sure was lots to see.

We made it to the Taj ...this elephant is big!
This sure is tiring.
Nap time! I have to bring a pillow on the next ride!

Fishing in SoJo

After catching some rays at the beach, we headed to the pier to do some fishing.
Hey, is there something biting my line?
Unfortunately not...we didn't even catch 1 fish!

Weekend in SoJo

It was Memorial Day weekend so we headed to AC for some fun in the sun and kick off the summer! There was plenty of sun but not quite bikini weather for me!
It was very bright and I forgot my shades!
Auntie chunnie showed me the sand.
And I showed her all the birds....
Auntie Chunnie is #1!
Well, off to my next activity!

Swim time

Daddy was back this week for swim class!
He makes a great float!
Workin' on my back stroke!
More dumbbell work...

Dunk Time!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

pineapples & lemons

While I was playing I saw mommy had a big bowl of pineapple...she wasn't going to share with me but I convinced her to give me just one bite.

It was pretty yummy.
Since one bite turned into a feast, mommy made me put on my raincoat bib!

I seemed to have developed a taste for sour things!

The other night we went out and daddy gave me a lemon to suck on and I liked it too.

I couldn't stop going back for more!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

new swim partner

For this week's swim class not only did I wear my new swimsuit from grandma, I also brought along a new swim partner...auntine chunnie! Supposedly Daddy was busy and mommy just wanted to pass me off!We had a fun time! Although, I did give her a little of challenge with the dumbbell and noodle floaty thingies. Can't make everything easy for her! hehe
Here we are in action....
Who's swimming with me next week??

splitting image

Today I spent some time checking out myself...
I never knew how good I look crawling!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

new do

Check out my new do! Maha put my hair up & I love it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

major league eating

Daddy and I were having a eating contest...who can finish eating their bread first!
Times up Daddy! I win!! Want me to help you with your last bite?
Ooooh, maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Watch out Kobayashi!!