Thursday, August 28, 2008

Colorado Here I Come

I'm all packed and ready to go to CO. Hopefully we will not have any issues catching our plane like we did when we went to AZ! See ya when I get back.

Monday, August 25, 2008

bumbo's back

Over the weekend I really got my highchair dirty so while it was being hosed down and drying off, I used my trusty bumbo! Good thing I still fit in it.
I enjoyed some of my usual waffles, kix & banana.

Oh boy...getting stuffed!
Washing it all down with some ice cold milk!

Friday, August 22, 2008


We went over to Carlos and Marissa's house and that's where I decided to show off some real steps. I've been doing it at school for a couple of weeks but been shy for mommy and daddy and da camera!

They have a great dog named PeteyHe ate all the crumbs I dropped.Petey was real friendly.
Upside down time with daddy.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

sleepy head

This is my buddy Joseph...I don't know how he does it but he fell asleep at the lunch table at school?! I was trying to pick with him but he wasn't waking up!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

more kitchen fun

Metal measuring cups are great
They make lots of sound when you bang them together.
And banging on the floor.


The latest kitchen project has been completed for a few weeks now but I haven't shown you daddy's fine craftsmanship...our new tiled floor. Now that I'm allowed to venture back in the kitchen.... I can continue to enjoy my magnets...

Just last month, this was us having a family dinner on the linoleum floor :) We look kind of funny don't we??!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


When I go to AC, I really enjoy taking out the entire collection of Chinese movies.Hey mommy, can you please put them back!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


So I was getting dressed this morning and saw a picture with a bunch of people in it leaning on my crib.Hmm, where am I?
I see Grandma & Pau Pau but no me??!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wash & Dry

While Daddy was watching me one afternoon & doing laundry, he decided to show me what the washer and dryer are. I don't venture much into the laundry room. There's a lot of junk in here!The washer makes great sounds and echos when you bang on it!Music to my ears!

Ooh, still a little warm from the last load!
Um, can I get out of here?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Ballet Anyone?

While at the wedding, I decided to try out my newly discovered ballet moves.
Getting focused.
Hey, can I have your attention over there?Tiptoes!
Leg extensions...
and even higher!

Mr & Mrs Yu

There's a new Mr & Mrs Yu as of Saturday! Nope..not Auntie Boobra and Uncle TY but instead cousins Elaine & Josh.I didn't make it to the ceremony but the reception was great.We had cocktail hour overlooking Glen Harbor.

Family foto!

Here we are with uncles Peter, Gurdy & Kong. Uncle Kong is the father of the bride. I was on the lookout for bird doodoo because this guy across from us got hit :)

Then headed upstairs for the main course. I was busy playing peek-a-boo with uncle gurdy!
I chowed down on my snacks.
And took to the dance floor with Daddy.
Uncle Jack and I busted a move too!
Hanging out with Auntie Shirley & Uncle Peter.
