Wednesday, July 29, 2009

lounging at the pool

Hey there...just enjoying another day at the pool
and ice water!


Walking around in mommy's heels! :D

Saturday, July 25, 2009

shampoo hawk

HEHE just getting a shampoo!
I want to see....
See more!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Look what I can do!

more party pics

Enjoying my cupcake...of course, minus the icing :)
Posing with auntie chunnie!
Driving one of the firetrucks with Adam!I think the Daddies enjoyed the firetrucks as much as the kiddies!
Daddy & MY hat!
Here's the scramble for the pinata toys!
I think May enjoyed her finds!
We almost forgot about the fire extinguisher squirt toys...luckily someone found them while we were cleaning up. I had a blast squirting everyone including daddy...and Uncle Tony!
Here's my photographer and assistant :)
Oh, and we surprised the photographer with her own ice cream bday cake!! Unfortunately, I missed the fire on her cake since I was outside playing.
Happy Bday Auntie fellow July Baby!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fire Chief

There was a new Fire Chief in town this weekend.....ME!I took over the local fire station to officially celebrate my 2nd birthday!
I was so glad so many friends and family came out to help me party.
We had some good food and yummy cupcakes..
Refreshing snowcones...
Had fun driving the firetrucks!And played a pinata game...
with all my buddies!

It was all so exciting!

I'll post more pics from the party soon!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

summer fun

Come on Daddy, let's hit the pool.
Aww, it's not that cold daddy!
Drying off....but I'm tempted to go back in.After the pool, it was playground time....although the swings were not as exciting!
Climbing up to the slide the big girl way...
With a little spot from daddy...
I made it to the top!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Baby Z's 1!

Baby Zorian turned one and we celebrated with a big party at his place.
He had a blast showing us he'll be walking any day now.
My friends Jenea and Vanessa were there too!
This was my balloon before it broke off the string and went up in the air. Everyone was running because they thought I was gonna pop it!
Just being a little lady...
until the ice cream came...I had 3 cups! :)
Happy 1st Birthday Z!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

sunny day

It's been so sunny lately. I whipped out my umbrella to keep in the shade!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

big girl bed

Now that I'm two, I thought it would be time to convert to my toddler bed.
It's been a few nights since the transition and so far so good.

I'm really enjoying my new freedom. I can get up and go as I please.