Sunday, December 20, 2009

more snow

We had more snow again! I had to put on all my snow gear...I'm ready to hit the slopes.
Drink some milk before heading out.

Eating the snow!
Brandon stayed in and watched.
But he seemed to enjoy that

Brushing off the snow.

Eating more snow!
Pooped from all the snow ;)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

holiday party

Trying to get Brandon excited about going to our community holiday party!!Guess who showed up? Santa! He had presents for all the kids
even baby Brandon...too bad he fell asleep!
Here I am asking for another present ;)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Snow

We had our first snow of the season last weekend!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Uptown Playaround

There's this cool place called the Uptown Playaround by my house. I checked it out over the weekend! I climbed to the top of the climber to get a birds eye view of the place!And slid down the giant slide...whoa!
They had these cool cars
which I rode in and
out of the mouse holes :)Taking a break!These are the swinging ropes!
Punching bags!
There's Daddy and Brandon!
Looks like Bradon wants to join me!
But he ended up just talking to Daddy.
They have a great house too with a kitchen.

Leggo my Eggo

I recently discovered I like syrup :)
I made some yummy oatmeal pancakes with mommy.
You have to dip the pancake in syrup, eat....
...and wash down with milk!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

boot season

With the cold weather upon us, it's time to break out the boots!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Here I am with Brandon ...
showing him how to color!
of course I have to stop and give him a kiss...
but I get this feeling he doesn't like my sloppy kisses :)


I played with uncle gurdy's old skateboard....he use to be a big skateboard junkie back in the day :)