Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Catch up Mar-Apr 2010


Meeting up for lunch with my daycare buddies...Julia B
and Jason!

and Lizzy! Uncle TY, looks so amused with his 'twins'.

A cool brisk day to play at the playground.Basketball, anyone?
Acorns for Goong Goong.
The little bit of snow we have left from a snowy winter.
My shifty eye look!
I'm on the Easter Bunny Express Train!
Waiting for the train....
which goes from Flemington to Ringoes
It's ok Brandon...this will be fun
Well, except when the the conductor blows the horn.
I didn't like that!
Snack time! Nap time for BK!
We finally moved!
We moved! Enjoying our backyard hammock and blowing bubbles!
Time for some soccer.
The Trike-a-thon at day care!
And, I'm off! Got to speed around the course.
Got bored with my trike so switched to a scooter.
Enjoying some time with the babies! your eyes!
Taking my trike for a spin! A little nippy out :)
Riding my scooter around the neighborhood!
Got to take a break for water.
Ava's 3 and she had a great birthday at Kid Zone. Lots of things to do...climbers

James going down the tunnel..
a pretend diner

grocery shopping!
time for lunch
There's the bday girl!
water games!
james and i had a little friendly competition
we were concentrating!

After a couple months of being free of diapers....we had a potty party at school to celebrate! :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm back!

Hey...we're back online and settled in our new house :) Will catch you all up on what's been going on!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Help me raise money for my Trike-a-thon at daycare on April 12th! It is to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital's research to treat pediatric diseases.

Donate here: Karina's Trike-a-thon Site

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

snow day (again)

Last week we had another snow day so no day care! This is one way to get all my energy out!Air Karina :)
phew! got to rest.
And check out baby
I also spent some time in the kitchen helping mommy bake som banana bread (and acting silly with my stethoscope)!
Turned out pretty good!
And of course mommy took more pics of us :)