Saturday, January 30, 2010

happy birthday auntie

It was my auntie chunnie's bday this week. Had to wait for her to get back from her trip to celebrate.
I asked her where the K for Karina was on the cake!
We had some tasty ice cream cake.
Ahhh...too coldies! brain freeze!
Baby Brandon woke up to take a picture. :)
Auntie found the designer masks her and mommy have been trying to find for years!
Thanks for the gifts auntie!

Monday, January 25, 2010


I gave baby Brandon my Bumbo :)
I think he likes it!

I can still squeeze into it :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

noodle monster

How do you like my chopstick skills? :)

new camera

Check out my new camera :)
You press this button here...
Like this...
And say cheese!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

story time

Story time for Brandon!

Did you go poopies?
I can make him smile!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Moskos Visit!

My favorite musician Basho and mommy-to-be Amanda stopped by for a visit. :)
If you don't know already, I'm a big fan of his music and listen to it over and over in my car rides! That is why I speak some Spanish now.
We had a good time...I was a bit shy but we finally warmed up after singing and dancing to some new tunes!
Check him out.

Party with May

I went to another Lady Lux party to celebrate the holidays and have a baby shower for Lady Lux #2 who arrived this past Monday. Her name is Josie! Still waiting to see some pics.
I really love jumping on the couch with May! I think I tired her out ;)
Here we are with Kaitlyn sliding down on to the pillows!
All this fun I was having, we forgot to take pictures of Auntie Patty's baby belly & Uncle Dave! Oh well! Congrats're a big sister like me now :) I'll be over soon to see Josie.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I got a new toy! I can play tennis, golf or baseball on the TV :)

How do you like my form?

uncle wai

enjoying some time with uncle wai....i'm not shy this time :)