Wednesday, March 3, 2010

snow day (again)

Last week we had another snow day so no day care! This is one way to get all my energy out!Air Karina :)
phew! got to rest.
And check out baby
I also spent some time in the kitchen helping mommy bake som banana bread (and acting silly with my stethoscope)!
Turned out pretty good!
And of course mommy took more pics of us :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

more swimming

I've been taking swim classes again this winter. It's been nice to get in the pool with all this snow :) Here I am getting ready dressed and eating my cornbread.

Big kicks!
Some of my friends from day care were in my session! There's Baby Ryan, Jason & Penny!

I can finally kick and swim with my floatie by myself!