Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Mommy found a skunk sleeping on the couch today!!

WAIT, that's me! So they tell me Halloween is all about getting dressed up in silly costumes. This is fun!
Daddy, I don't have a dirty diaper!
This morning I was in my Pumpkin PJ's & was too early for smiles!
A few weeks ago, I was in my Pooh outfit from auntie Chunnie!


Monday, October 29, 2007

Giddy Up

Look, I'm playing in my Giddy Up & Go Gym.
These horse feet taste pretty good.
Mommy, you are blinding me...that flash is too bright!!


Hmm, this recliner seems more comfortable than my Bumbo!
Pau Pau is pretty comfortable too even when I'm all wrapped up! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Here I am putting Daddy in a headlock. Some more tummy time and I can take on the WWF!
Here I am with my coach.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

new discovery

I'm still in a daze....
I woke up this morning only to discover that I have feet....
I had to touch my toes to make sure they were mine!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Great News!

This just in! Uncle Bear finally pOpped the question to Auntie Juju! They are engaged!!! woohooo!! I knew all along he had the ring but, I promised to keep it a secret. I can't wait to see the rOck in person.
With such a joyous occasion, I had to put on my party hat or shall I say hats. It was a delicate balancing act ....
...but I managed to hold them steady for mommy to take a photo.
Auntie juju actually got my parents these hats when she was vacationing in Vietnam several years ago. :)


happy hour

After a long week of sleeping, eating and burping, there's no better way to wind down than with a bottle of milk with daddy at happy hour.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Reading with Pooh

Hey there everyone! I have been enjoying my latest book, Winnie The Pooh - Slide 'n Learn Storybook. Grandma sent it all the way from Colorado.
I read it laying down on the couch....
...and in my Bumbo! It's quite captivating since there's music and a beehive that lights up.
I even try to talk to Pooh and his friends.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!

It was Daddy's Birthday on Saturday! We had lots of cake to celebrate.
Auntie Boobra brought over this delicious ice cream cake Thursday night. I was upset I couldn't have any!
Sunday night, Auntie Jia and Uncle Vinny brought by this lovely strawberry shortcake. I couldn't keep my eyes off the huge strawberries!

Party Time

This weekend I went to my friend Jame's first birthday party!
Here I am with James.

There was more cake there too....He had a picture of himself on his cake!

I also got to meet Ava who is 6 months old. She has such big, beautiful eyes!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekend in AC

I had quite a busy weekend in Atlantic City! I went to the beach for the first time. Check me out in my bikini! Tummy time on the sand is fun. It was windy down by the waves and I didn't like all that sun in my eyes. I should have brought my shades.

Then we went fishing...Mommy & I didn't catch anything but daddy caught one bluefish. Uncle Gurdy caught the most - - 3!

Only thing I didn't get to do was ride the bikes on the boardwalk. There was no room for me on the bikes. Plus I was busy eating and napping.
Here's Pau Pau giving me my bottle.
I was pooped....somehow I even managed to fall asleep on my boppy during my feeding. And of course some more shots with Mom & Dad!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


This post is dedicated to Uncle Bear & Auntie Juju and Uncle Yves.
First to Uncle Bear & Auntie Juju, this new cow is's just my size (for now). Mommy is still my favorite cow but I'll make this one my second favorite.
To Uncle Yves, thank you for my stylish threads! By the way, how come you have not come back down to play tennis with mommy again? Does your chin still hurt?

Please note, my parents did not prop my finger up; I did this all by myself :-)

Friday, October 5, 2007


It's Friday and I'm happy to be spending the weekend in Atlantic City. I haven't been here in a while so I'll be sure to take lots of photos!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

new family fOtO

Here's a new family photo as we head out for a walk!