Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekend in AC

I had quite a busy weekend in Atlantic City! I went to the beach for the first time. Check me out in my bikini! Tummy time on the sand is fun. It was windy down by the waves and I didn't like all that sun in my eyes. I should have brought my shades.

Then we went fishing...Mommy & I didn't catch anything but daddy caught one bluefish. Uncle Gurdy caught the most - - 3!

Only thing I didn't get to do was ride the bikes on the boardwalk. There was no room for me on the bikes. Plus I was busy eating and napping.
Here's Pau Pau giving me my bottle.
I was pooped....somehow I even managed to fall asleep on my boppy during my feeding. And of course some more shots with Mom & Dad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Karina,
I love your photos from you trip to AC! I hope we can hang out at the beach together sometime!
:) Lela