Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mama Cho's

It was auntie chunnie's bday! We celebrated by having some home cooked Korean food at mama cho's! Very yummy! Here I am with the girls.

I tried to figure out what Auntie KP had in her mouth.



Mr. Anthony G., Thanks for sending me gifts! Don't worry, Daddy's going to drive me to Brooklyn one of these days so we can meet! :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Chicken Feet again

So from my last chicken feet post, some people did not believe that I could actually eat my feet...they thought mommy was posing me. Here's a better shot...I'm all covered up this time too :) Looks like I can even pick my nose if I wanted to! hehe

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Hueys

I stopped by the Huey's today for some lunch and to visit Kaitlyn!
Here I am chowing down with mommy, Uncle Vinny's mommy and Kaitlyn.
I played with Auntie Jia for a bit.
And did some light reading
Chatted with Uncle Vinny...he has some good stories!
Hung out with our mommies...
Then Kaitlyn and I sat together. I couldn't believe there was finally someone younger than me. I'm usually the baby! She smelled just like a baby...

felt like a baby...Kaitlyn said GO GIANTS!
and even tasted like a baby...
Everything checked out ok.
Daddy, Kaitlyn is sleeping...No more flash!.
This was fun!

Sweet 16 Party

On Saturday night, I went to my first Sweet 16 party for my cousin, Byshema.
Here she is...the princess!
Isn't this cool...she had a lifesize cutout image of herself! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crazy Aunt

This is my crazy auntie juju saying hi to me on the webcam. She was trying to be silly and make me laugh but she didn't know I could snap a picture of her. Do you think she'll do that again? I'm not sure why it looks like she has pumino's paw print on her forehead? She may request to have this removed so enjoy it for now. HEHEHAHAHOHO!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Photo shoot 2

We all know Auntie Hee's real calling is photography (and glass bead making :)). Here are some shots she took during our play date on Saturday:
Yup, that's a real tear, not just a drop of water!

Photo shoot 1

Before the holidays I had my first photo are my favorites!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Saturday fun continued

Our final guests were Uncle Shaq & James. We were all watching the big playoff games and couldn't take our eyes off the TV.
Now we are looking at the camera!
James showed me how to play with my toys.
We were all worn out so both went to sleep...

Saturday Fun

I told you I had a busy I am with the ladies:
Gong Gong & Pau Pau made their weekly trip up Auntie Chunnie & I had the same look! I just need some teeth :D
And a quick break for lunch:

Mr. & Mrs. Yu

The bride and groom-to-be made a quick pit stop for me too on Saturday! It's only 3 weeks to the Big Day so they had lots of errands to do.

What? I can't go to the wedding mommy? I'm going to miss out on all the fun! I guess I will have to see the pictures.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Annapolis Crabs

I had an unexpectedly busy Saturday with lots of visitors! First Uncle Bri & Auntie Hee (a.k.a. the Annapolis Crabs) had an early play date with me...they were here even before Daddy got up! Luckily I wasn't too much of a crabby patty for them since they traveled so far to see me! :) We had a good time just lounging around and reading.
They came bearing lots of books! I wonder how they know I love books?
By the way Uncle Bri...Congrats on your FF championship win since nobody else seems to care. ;) Of course I was routing for the Triads but it's all good.

Friday, January 11, 2008


I've moved onto oatmeal now. It's always fun trying new things. This is so much tastier than that rice I was eating last week!
All gone!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chicken Feet

Chicken feet are tasty! Even better than my rice cereal.

Daddy Daycare

Havin' fun in the tub with Daddy Daycare tonight....

colorado cousins

Meet my cousins out in Colorado! I have to get out there so we can play!
Here's Alorah (9 months)...
...and Baby Javar (3 months)


Examining my Lamaze Peek-a-boo Surprise really is full of surprises!
OOh, what's that little guy hanging there? I got to eat him!