Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crazy Aunt

This is my crazy auntie juju saying hi to me on the webcam. She was trying to be silly and make me laugh but she didn't know I could snap a picture of her. Do you think she'll do that again? I'm not sure why it looks like she has pumino's paw print on her forehead? She may request to have this removed so enjoy it for now. HEHEHAHAHOHO!


Judy said...

DARLING!!!! I see you inherited the evil side of both your parents - why you got to make me cross eyed on the pic and make it look like there's some drool hanging there? hehehe where my belt at?!?

Judy said...

btw, i dont trust you guys with that webcam anymore!! hmpf!

Unknown said...

karina, u getting good with that camera...think i'll avoid that :)