Monday, March 31, 2008


Grandma made a surprise visit into town this weekend. We had a great time!

We even showed grandma what dim sum was all about.
I had fun pointing with my chopstick! :)

Baby Lux

On Saturday I took ride down to see Baby Lux! Remember, I went to her baby shower in December? Well, here's May...she's about two months old now!

Girl Power!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jewelry Shopping

Last weekend, I hung out with Uncles Wai & Michael since they were in town. We headed for my first jewelry shop visit so I could learn from the best of the best when it comes to jewelry. I'll take that one!
We took a look at a few stones so we could compare the quality.
They weren't budging on their price so we left and headed for some bubble tea!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Karina's Cheerios Eating Lesson
Step 1: Perfect the pincer grasp Step 2: Master the delivery
Step 3: Check out the texture
Step 4: Hocp Hocp Hocp

Sunday, March 23, 2008

pull uPs

Just working up a sweat before my bath with some pull ups. :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

piano lesson

I had a piano lesson today with Mommy. My fingers are tired from banging on the keys!
We even did a duet together. It sounded pretty good.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Last weekend I was having a good old time swinging in the bucket swing!
Daddy and I were trying to see who could swing the highest. I think he won.


After a nice relaxing bath, I showed off my pink robe to daddy. It has gotten pretty short on me so I was trying to convince him it was time for a new one!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Flying Home

After a nice vacation with the Bakers & Mittmans, it was time to fly home. This time we made it to the airport on time!
Coming in for landing!
We had a great vacation!


While in AZ, I got to see my share of cacti. These things sure are prickly!

Did mommy ever tell you guys the story of when her and auntie juju were hiking in AZ and she slipped and gently sat on a cactus? It's a funny story!

Ahh, this AZ sun is great!

Friday, March 14, 2008


While in AZ I also got to meet Isaiah and family! Uncle Adrian & Auntie Widgie have been friend's with Daddy for a long time. The other babies are Gunner on the left & Bailey on the right :) (they are Italian Greyhounds if you are wondering).

Here we are in our PJ's
Isaiah's such a happy 'lil guy always smiling and giggling!
Cousin Lela came by too to hang out with us
Gunner and Bailey were so much fun. I didn't really like them at first but I got use to them and watched them run around....they are so quick. Mommy wasn't fast enough with the camera to catch Bailey in this pic!


Saturday morning we headed to another Lela hotspot...the zoo!

Not only was it just me & Lela, but lil' Isaiah joined us!
Isn't he SO cute with his sunhat?
We saw lots of animals. Since it was my first visit to a zoo, I was telling Lela how the animals are so big in person!
Here are some of the animals we saw...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hike Hike!

On Friday, we took a nice drive to the Red Rocks of Sedona.
It was a beautiful day for a hike....

Hey look, there's Lela, Auntie Michele & Uncle Asa...we took the high road and they took the low road! Daddy was worried the trails wouldn't meet but they did!
Lela has lots of great pictures up so, I'm redirecting you there! It saves me some time ;)
Sedona 1
Sedona 2
Sedona 3

Swinging with Lela

As soon as we arrived in AZ, cousin Lela was anxious to show me her usual hangout spots! So we headed to the park ....
so she could show swing in her favorite bucket swings.
And tried out her race car

HEHE! Look at daddy over there....
He looks like he's having as much fun as me.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Flight

Hey there! I'm back from my vacation in warm & sunny Arizona. Here are me and daddy waiting for our flight. We had a hectic morning that day as we missed our flight because mommy forgot to set the alarm! Can you believe that?! I'm usually her wake up call so she rarely uses an alarm clock these days. Luckily there was room for us on the next flight out so we hopped on that one with no problems.
These airplanes sure are big!

I got a great window seat so I could see the sights.
I had my in flight meal...some yummy Similac and...

...then dozed off for a bit. These seats are really comfortable.
I was hoping for some Internet access but the connection was down.
We finally landed and I waited patiently for my luggage. I was getting a little worried they lost my bags, but they finally came out!