Tuesday, April 29, 2008


"U gonna eat ur cOrnbread???"If not, I will!
This is good Lee!
Other than my cheerios & puffs, I've been on strike these past couple of weeks with my baby food but mommy found something I like today!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


A couple of weekends ago I went over to pau pau & gong gong's place & forgot to bring my own chair so I had to use the high chair mommy & uncle gurdy use to use. It's pretty sturdy but no safety straps or tray like I'm use to!
But it served its purpose...I was able to enjoy my puffs, cheerios & watermelon!

Here I am hanging out on the floor...

Look at all this carpet!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

stand up

Look, I can stand up and balance with no help now!
...one handed too! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Daddy Swim

So this past Saturday was Daddy's turn with me in the pool! We had a great time.
Here we are with all the dads of the class.
Lots of splish splashin'...
...and more dumbbell work.
Smackin' dady in the face with my backstroke....
And posing for the camera...hey we're missing the song time!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

fry ri or whi ri?

What's dat?

You guessed it, since the doc gave me the ok to start eating table food, I got my first taste of mommy's favorite food....white rice!
It's kinda bland....

...and sticky! There must be one stuck on my tooth.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Time

What happened to all the trees??
Spring has sprung!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Lela

Lela, too bad I missed out on your big bday celebration over the weekend! I'm sure your cupcakes tasted better then this one ;) Happy 1st!

recent visitors

Over the last month or so, I've had some visitors stop by....
Uncle Yves...he was looking a bit furry...
...Auntie Boobra...I had lots of smiles for her....
...and Auntie Juju! She was a bit scary at first but after she gave me about 20 sweet potato and banana puffs, I warmed up.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


This morning was the first of eight weeks of swimming classes!
I learned quite a few things. First, how to exit the pool...it's elbow-elbow-knee- knee.
Like my technique?
Once we all get set up
We jump in and take a big splash!
Mommy and I swam around for a bit
We had beachballs...
...squirt toys...
and these dumbbells!
and we sang lots of my favorite songs.

Can't wait for next week!

Next week it will be daddy's turn...I hope he doesn't embarrass me with his taco meat if you know what I mean! :D

OH, and look who I ran into after my shower....KP & her niece Nithya! They were taking the next class together!
They had a blast too!
I was so exhausted I passed out on the ride home....