Wednesday, July 30, 2008

pump it uP!

I figured out how to use the air pump! :)

Monday, July 28, 2008


I checked out the AC aquarium this weekend!
We arrived just in time for the live feeding ...we just had to listen to the diver
before he went in with the rays, sharks and fish.
This big sea turtle is about 13 years they tell me.
Daddy & I checking out the moray eel.
We got to touch the sting rays! Luckily these rays had their stingers removed. I reached in, touched their slimy skin and got splashed! Good thing I know how to splash back.
The reptile exhibit was fun too..."the boa constrictor's a slippery snake who squashes then swallows his prey"! That's a line from my Rumble In the Jungle book.
And here I am with the chameleon. Like how I changed colors too? ;) Kind of creepy.
And finally up to the roof top where I found a pirate and fed the birds. Hey buddy, what happened to your arm??

Big Fun

On Friday, I stopped by for some lunch at The McAllister's! I had some Big Fun with Timmy & Josh! This is their nice cushy area they've named "The Manhole".
They had some great toys to play with like this rocking doggie
and a cool keyboard.

Auntie Nicole flew me around the house...
Can't wait to go back and visit!
Can you believe this was me the last time I stopped by? I was only about 2 months old! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

july baby

Auntie juju is a July baby just like me!
We celebrated her ?? bday last week by surprising her at Paradou. We had outdoor seating even though it was 100 degrees with 100% humidity. It made my curls come out!
I had to borrow auntie KP's shades for this one.
I had fun laughing at uncle TY...
...sharing my rice crackers...
...and slapping daddy on his head!

HAPPY BDAY AUNTIE JUJU, I won't tell 'em how old you are :P

Monday, July 21, 2008


I took Kylie and Sydney to my favorite fishing spot

This is a herring fish that one of our fellow fishing neighbors caught. Let me take a look to see if it's long enough to keep.
OK! Looks like a keeper!'s tiring being the fish warden.


My cousins Kylie & Sydney were in town this weekend! Kylie and I were busy sorting the coasters.
And Sydney helped me pick up the ones I dropped.
I posed for some pics for Kylie...she's quite the photographer.

my latest

Mommy finally captured some of my latest skillz on video.
The Lion!

The Stairs!


Tunneling through my giraffe tunnel!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

bouncy bouncy

Just bouncing around in my exersaucer....


Renee came over for a visit and we went to the pool...
this is my serious look!
This is my happy look!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Belated BDay

I had a belated bday party this week at daycare with all my buddies!
All this for me?!
Muffins for everyone!


Is that who I think it is??
Why it is! Daddy take a pic quick! It's Auntie Vicky :) along with mommy and auntie chunnie.
We don't see Auntie Vicky too much but it is fun when we see her....I think last time I saw her I was just a few months old i think?

Monday, July 14, 2008


Did you ever see a sunflower farm?
Well me neither! On my way home from my playdate, I fell fast asleep even before mommy left the pool parking lot. But she took some nice pics of the sunflowers. There were so many!


I had a playdate with Owen & Katelyn last week. It was so much fun. We hung out at pool. They had a great 1 ft pool where I could run around in my floatie.Owen & I shared some snacks while we waited for Katelyn
She arrived and brought her Cadillac of floats. I tried to keep up in mine!Owen brought all his other buddies too...we took over the pool!
I think we tired Owen out!