Monday, July 28, 2008


I checked out the AC aquarium this weekend!
We arrived just in time for the live feeding ...we just had to listen to the diver
before he went in with the rays, sharks and fish.
This big sea turtle is about 13 years they tell me.
Daddy & I checking out the moray eel.
We got to touch the sting rays! Luckily these rays had their stingers removed. I reached in, touched their slimy skin and got splashed! Good thing I know how to splash back.
The reptile exhibit was fun too..."the boa constrictor's a slippery snake who squashes then swallows his prey"! That's a line from my Rumble In the Jungle book.
And here I am with the chameleon. Like how I changed colors too? ;) Kind of creepy.
And finally up to the roof top where I found a pirate and fed the birds. Hey buddy, what happened to your arm??

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