Thursday, April 30, 2009

all smiles

Having fun in the bed.
Cheese!! Like all my teeth??

hang nail

Ever get a hang nail on your toe?? Pretty annoying! hehe

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lincoln Tunnel

Remember that new jogging stroller I got a couple months back? Well it was finally put to the real test this weekend. We ran in the Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K race! Yup, that's right we ran up and back through the Lincoln Tunnel.

This was our team...Me, Daddy, Mommy, Aunties Chunnie & Juju, my buddy Julia and her folks Becky & Jim!
There sure were lots of people!
Filling up on my carbs...
Gotta have my tunes when I jog!
Go Auntie Juju!
Push it daddy!Posing for a quick picture at the border of NJ & NY
Phew..made it out of there! Looks like all the daddy's were out of breath...even this guy in front of us ;)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Picnic in the Park

Last weekend's weather was the warmest we had all season. So we headed up to Central Park to join the gang for a great picnic.
Munching on my crunchies!
Feeding the beasts!
Trying sunglasses with Uncle Wai
Auntie Juju and Daddy tried to fly my Dora kite but couldn't quite seem to get it since there wasn't enough wind!¡VĂ¡manos! Let me show you how it's done!
I picked and smelled the "cherry blossoms" as auntie juju calls them! hehe

It was a great day in the park.

Road Trip - Third Stop

So our final stop of the road trip took us to Maryland where we visted Uncle Brian & Aunt Hee.
Last time I saw them was at my bday party...that was so long ago.
I enjoyed their company and new house! They have a great set up for watching my favorite YouTube videos!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Road Trip - Second Stop

The second stop of our road trip brought us to DC.

I was passed out for this leg of the trip
but we ended up at the Fishers.
Hugs for everyone!
They have a great library of books and more books
I found some stickers to stick on Auntie Marilyn
Auntie gave me this stylish trench coat along with other great outfits for the spring! Thanks!!
We spent some time at the park and enjoyed the weather
Nazzy and I raced down the slides
I fed the birds my cornbread!
And walked back home!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Road Trip - First Stop

First stop on my road trip was to visit the Calloways. They have a new addition to their family...Baby Keira. We can pass as sisters!
I helped out with baby duties.

They have a doggie too...jinky!
We went to the bookstore where I had a puppet show for Keira.
Then I went to a hibachi lunch where the chef almost singed my hair ;)
I got a little scared of that.
Our Mommies!Our Daddies!
She has cute shoes!After lunch, it was time to say our goodbyes and give kisses!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Road Trip

I took a road trip this past weekend to the DC area. I like to ride in style! More pics coming...