Monday, April 27, 2009

Lincoln Tunnel

Remember that new jogging stroller I got a couple months back? Well it was finally put to the real test this weekend. We ran in the Lincoln Tunnel Challenge 5K race! Yup, that's right we ran up and back through the Lincoln Tunnel.

This was our team...Me, Daddy, Mommy, Aunties Chunnie & Juju, my buddy Julia and her folks Becky & Jim!
There sure were lots of people!
Filling up on my carbs...
Gotta have my tunes when I jog!
Go Auntie Juju!
Push it daddy!Posing for a quick picture at the border of NJ & NY
Phew..made it out of there! Looks like all the daddy's were out of breath...even this guy in front of us ;)

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