Friday, October 19, 2007

Great News!

This just in! Uncle Bear finally pOpped the question to Auntie Juju! They are engaged!!! woohooo!! I knew all along he had the ring but, I promised to keep it a secret. I can't wait to see the rOck in person.
With such a joyous occasion, I had to put on my party hat or shall I say hats. It was a delicate balancing act ....
...but I managed to hold them steady for mommy to take a photo.
Auntie juju actually got my parents these hats when she was vacationing in Vietnam several years ago. :)


1 comment:

Judy said...

soooo cute!!! hehehe, i can't believe you guys didnt tell me!! but it's ok, like i told Eddie Bear, next turn is mine - wait until it's baby time!! ;)