Monday, September 29, 2008

eat eat

Check out my utensil skills.
Right handed....

...and left handed!

still working on my fork skills

Saturday, September 27, 2008

beep beep

Getting on my car from aunt of her great finds! ;)
beep beep!
My car was moving a little slow.
I checked my trunk and it had a 2.5 lb green yoga ball!
I had to get it out of there!

ooh..this thing's heavy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Some more pictures from the summer...I was getting down and dirty with paint!

traveling zoo

I forgot to show you some pictures from the daycare we took during the summer! A traveling zoo stopped by our playground. There were lots of animals...a pig, cow, goat, these ducks...
a guinea pig!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

new robe

Remember back in March I said I needed a new robe? Well here it is. Now that the nights are getting cooler this is perfect.Shopping anyone?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This is my tough look. Don't mess with me!
I went back to the beach to keep an eye on things.
Popping a squat as auntie juju would say! ;)
Trying to be a daredevil
Everything looks good Daddy!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alley Cats

I walked the Alleys of AC.
Here's some footage!


I was at the beach this weekend! Ooh this place is bright and sandy!
Hmm, sticks and sand.
Let me give it a try!
Let's chase the sea gulls!
Hey, where you guys going?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

CO - Day 8 Last Day!

For my last day in CO, I spent the morning with Grandma as mommy and daddy packed up all our stuff.

We were outside her house and jing-a-ling'd the chimes
watered the plants
and picked some flowers for Mommy
We left Grandma's a little early even though our flight wasn't till the late afternoon because we had to stop in downtown Denver to eat lunch with uncle CJ & uncle terry at Daddy's favorite place, The Tavern. We couldn't leave without meeting up with them!

Monday, September 15, 2008

CO Day 7 - Pikes Peak

Friday we took a road trip with Grandma & Cousin Javar!
We drove to Manitou Springs to catch the cog rail up to Pikes Peak. It is the highest cog rail in the World!
Choo Choo!
It's only 8.9 miles from the train depot to the top but takes about an hour and fifteen minute to get up to Pike's Peak. Javar napped
and that's me napping under the covers. The sun was bright!
When I woke up, we made it to the top! It was about 30 degrees colder too with lots of wind!
Grandma stepped out for a bit but was feeling sick from the altitude change. And Baby J was really tired so they stayed on the train for most of the time :(
We were above all the clouds!
Just enjoying the view!I told you it was windy! :)Run daddy!!
....they were blowing the horn for everyone to get back on the train. We didn't want to miss it because it was the last train for the day and it would have been a long hike down!
Ah, back in the car and time for our milk!