Wednesday, September 10, 2008

CO - Day 3 Cousin Javar's Bday Party

Another highlight of my trip was Cousin Javar's 1st bday was a Cars themed-party! He turned one on 8/20. They celebrated with a BBQ in the park by Grandma's. All the cousins and sisters of Javar had the same outfit on! Here we all are with him.

Cousin Alora was there too...we had fun on the swings.
We did have a little spat over my puffs but we moved on.
Then fun on the slide with Tayva
She did a good job catching me when I flew down the slide!
Here's grandma with her grand babies!
Cake time!
He dove right into his smash cake!After all the gifts were was piƱata time.

I was able to grab 3 pieces which Mommy ate!
After all the festivies it was nap time!

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