Thursday, September 11, 2008

CO - Day 4 Ft Collins

After staying the night at The Stamps we hung out in downtown Ft Collins.
We had lunch at this great Mexican restaurant.
Then headed over to The New Belgium Brewery. I'm sure all of you have heard daddy rave over his favorite beer called Fat Tire which he can't get in NJ? Well this is where they make it!
And it turns out they make other beers too besides Fat Tire!
It wasn't my cup of tea!
On our way out, I was hoping to go for a bike ride with the many bikes they have outside the brewery however, they were all chained up.
Then this guy came by and let me take a picture with his husky. Good dog!
The last stop in Ft Collins was the Horsetooth Reservior
I was busy napping...
but mommy & daddy got some good shots!

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